Whether it is or is not, can we improve our Environment? Definitely.
"Be The Change that you wish to see in the World."
- Mahatma Gandhi
" We're running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere... can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe."
- Elon Musk
Grant based Funding is available to Organizations that want to improve the Global Warming Situation. Contact us for a Private Consultation about these grants.
Here are some Companies that are making a difference... Join in to "Save our Oceans"...
to Bali Indonesia that would inevitably change their lives and the fate of the ocean. Devastated by the amount of plastic in the ocean, they set out to find out why no one was doing anything about it. One afternoon they came across an old fishing village where fishermen were literally pushing their boat through piles of plastic that had washed up on shore. The two surfers realized that the proliferation of plastic threatened both the ocean environment and the fishermen's livelihood. Could the fishermen use their nets, they wondered, to pull the plastic from the ocean? This idea stuck with the 2 surfers and they knew it was time to hit the drawing board. After realizing that the demand for seafood was driving the fishermen to focus on fish instead of plastic, they knew they had to create something that could fund the desired cleanup efforts. This is how the 4ocean Bracelet was born. www.4ocean.com
Healthy oceans are the life support system for our planet, providing 97 percent of the Earth’s livable habitat and a home to more than 700,000 species. The oceans are vital to human health as well, providing jobs, enjoyment and food to billions of people. Half of the oxygen we breathe is generated by our oceans.
Our oceans are in more trouble than ever before.
Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic – everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads – ends up in our oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute.
Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of our planet, from Florida beaches to uninhabited Pacific islands. It is even being found trapped in Arctic ice.
Our oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup, and the effects on ocean life are chilling. Discarded plastic fishing lines trap and entangle turtles and seabirds, and plastic pieces of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of creatures who mistake it for food, from tiny zooplankton to whales. Plastic is now entering every level of the ocean food chain and is even ending up in the seafood on our plates.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why we are campaigning to end the flow of plastic into our oceans.
A new report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a dire warning to world powers on Monday saying they need to act immediately to prevent world temperatures from rising by one degree.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks to CNN's Van Jones about the latest climate change warning and the intersection of science with the military and politics.
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Nasa.gov - August 28, 2019
Livescience.com - August 02, 2019
NY Times - August 28, 2019
Noaa.gov - July 19, 2019
Nasa.gov - July 11, 2019
Nasa.gov - July 01, 2019
Nasa/gov - June 18, 2019
Livescience.com - June 17, 2019
Livescience.com - June 04, 2019
CNN - May 24, 2019
UN News - May 18, 2019
The Weather Channel - May 19, 2019
The Guardian - May 21, 2019
Kathmandu Post -May 21, 2019
CBC News - May 20, 2019
The Guardian - April 28, 2019
The Guardian - April 23, 2019
Climate News Network - April 19, 2019
NASA - April 25, 2019
Chatelaine - April 04, 2019
Euronews - March 29, 2019
Phys.org - March 30, 2018
BBC News - March 28, 2019
Mongabay - March 06, 2019
National Observer - March 17, 2019
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report - ITV News