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What is a CDM Project = Clean Development Mechanism
Beautiful Example of a completed CDM Project that brings life giving water to those in need. This is what it's all about...
This project activity is aimed as an intervention in an existing low-income housing development with households in Kuyasa, Khayelitsha, as well as in future housing developments (100 ha) in this area. The project activity aims to improve the thermal performance of the existing and future housing units, improve lighting and water heating efficiency. This will result in reduced current and future electricity consumption per household, significant avoided CO2 emissions per unit.
The CDM was developed to encourage developing countries, not bound by the Protocol to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adopt emission-reduction projects. These generate carbon credits which can be sold to industrialised nations to help meet their Kyoto commitments. ABN's Samantha Loring reports.
The water taxi, made by French company Seabubbles, is silent, emits zero emissions and glides through the water without creating waves.
A Kenyan entrepreneur has adapted hydroponics, a technique that allows to grow plants without soil, to African climate. The technique that traditionally needs an energy-intensive climate control, now allows to grow plants in simple sheds without the use of electricity.
With almost 8.000 CDM projects and close to 300 PoAs, CDM represents a unique ready-to-go mitigation opportunity. This side event explores ideas for ensuring that CDM projects and PoAs can continue to deliver real on-the-ground mitigation, and help increasing ambition under the Paris Agreement.